Cheers & Beers
Client: Sathyam Grand Resorts
Location: Sriperumbudhur
Area: 3200 sqft
Status: Ongoing

Rooftop restaurant with pool and landscape view

Cascading water fall elements complimenting the natural materials palette

Gazebo setting for a private and cozy seating concept

Mezzanine deck on top of the bar area, over-looking the beautiful views around the resort

architecture | Interior design
Chennai | Dubai
Daily's 24
Area: 1200 sqft
Project type: Design
We were instantaneously excited when we heard the prototypical concept of a "convenience store" from our clients. We knew that the design should be as modern as the concept in itself. We had to incorporate a 'quick café', where quick bites such as cupcakes, instant beverages, sandwiches, etc. are served, along with product display. Hence we wanted to do an Island style kiosk accommodating the billing counter and the quick café. The idea is to facilitate maximum display and also accommodate the functional aspects. We had designed the breads section with wooden crates concept to bring an English bakery feel. The main colors of this palette are Mustard yellow, grey and white. The white we have brought out in the form of white brick pattern instead of plain white surface. Yellow being a bright and pleasing color tends to grab attention quickly and make its presence, which is much needed for a commercial venture. Hence we made it our hero color.

Linear rounded counter is sensitive to the walking aisle around and seamless product display
Island kiosk counter comprising the billing counter and quick café.
Racks based out of wooden crate concept with pine oak